blow up

blow upblow up1.突然开始Half way up the mountain a sudden, sharp wind blew up.走到半山腰, 忽然刮起了暴风。It may well blow up a storm tonight.今晚很可能下一场暴风雨。2.产生; 出现Trouble has blown up at the school.学校里开始出现麻烦。The volcano unexpectedly blew up early in the morning.火山一早突然爆发了。3.把…吹旺You'll have to blow up the fire to make it burn.你得把火吹旺让它烧起来。4.(使)爆炸, 将…炸毁, 毁掉A chemical factory blew up in the North of England.英国北部的一座化工厂爆炸了。The terrorists blew up the police station.恐怖分子炸毁了警察局。Our house was blown up in an air raid.在一次空袭中我们的房子被炸掉了。5.(使)失败The lawyer's case blew up because he had no proof.律师的辩护失败, 因为他没有证据。We'll soon blow up his plan.不要多久我们就让他的计划告吹。His reputation has been blown up completely.他名声扫地。6.发怒, 责骂When he heard she was going to quit school, he simply blew up.当他听到她要退学时, 他简直是怒不可遏。They objected to being blown up for the slightest fault.他们反对因一点点过失就受到申斥。Her boss blew her up for losing the contract.她的老板因为她遗失了合同而把她骂了一顿。You're sure to be blown up for coming late to work.你一定会因为上班迟到被责骂。7.吹胀, 打气Don't blow the balloon up any further!It'll burst!别给气球多充气了!它会破的!Could you lend me a pump to blow up my bicycle tires?你能借我一个打气筒给自行车轮胎打气吗?

blow up1.吹胀(使)膨胀;(使)充气;给(轮胎等)打气:to blow up the tyre给轮胎打气2.(使)爆炸;炸掉,毁掉,炸毁;破坏:The bomb blew up.炸弹爆炸了。3.(暴风雨)发生并加剧,出现;刮起(风暴);起风;(风)导致(坏天气);(坏天气等)来临:The wind had blown up a rain.风刮得下起雨来了。4.【摄影术】放大(照片、底片);放大(地图、印刷物等):to blow the picture up把照片放大5.对…言过其实,夸大(事件、谣言等);吹捧,吹嘘:to blow someone up吹捧某人to blow up a person with flattery吹捧某人6.[口语]大发脾气,发怒,暴怒:I'm sorry I blew up at you.很抱歉,我对你发了脾气。7.[口语]严责,严斥,惩戒;骂,责骂:Your mother will blow you up if you don't behave better.如果你不规矩一些,你母亲会责骂你的。8.(争吵、辩论、麻烦等)发生,出现:Trouble is blowing up again in….某地区又在出乱子。9.(使)加剧;吹风使(火烧得)更旺:to blow up the fire给火吹风使更旺10.(使)失败,(使)不成功,(使)不能成立;(使)告吹:to blow up his plan使他的计划破产11.(通常由于怕输或疲倦)在比赛或竞赛中表现失常或不再保持良好竞技状态:The pitcher blew up.该投手表现失常。12.【数学】(函数)变成无限大13.(风筝)把…吹起;被风等吹起14.吹哨子(作为信号)15.[美国俚语](演出中)忘记(或变动)台词:to blow up in one's lines演出时忘了台词
